Blue Liners & Avoidable Waste

awareness bluey environment waste Oct 01, 2024

Whackadoo! That’s a lot of Blueys! 🎉💙

Pick up a Bluey (the plastic underpad, not the dog! 🐶) and hold it in your hands… feel how light it is? Now imagine 2 tonnes of them! 😳 That works out to be roughly 75 MILLION blueys - and that's how many are used, on average, every year by Australian Hospitals.

Now consider the fact that a single Bluey takes around 100 years to break down in landfill - Oh Biscuits! 😱🥨

So the next time you’re preparing your Anaesthetic trolley, or getting ready to remove that LMA, THINK before you bluey. 🤔💭

Across Australia, Organisations and Hospitals are coming together to help reduce wastage and promote sustainability in Healthcare. 🌱🤝

Plastic Free Foundation and TRA2SH organisations have a wealth of information and resources, such as these easy considerations to make in your daily practice:

👉 Refuse ❌ - just don’t use a bluey!

👉 Reduce 📉 - aim to reduce the amount you use.

👉 Reuse 🔄 - utilise reusable clean packaging.

👉 Swap 🔄 - to another product just as, or more suitable for the job.

Hospitals across the nation are setting up green teams in an effort to raise awareness and promote waste reduction on the clinical floor. 🌍💚

This is something we can all get around, from our graduate and junior nurses to those with a wealth of experience and knowledge, all you need to do is think before you bluey - it’s gotta be done! 💪✨

Build Knowledge
Improve Safety


Plastic Free Foundation (2024) Tackling Healthcares Plastic Waste: Think Before you Bluey.

Trainee-led Research and Audit in Anaesthesia for Sustainable Healthcare(TRA2SH) (2024) Sustainability Projects. 

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