
checklists patient safety perioperativenursing safety Nov 25, 2023
"Under the conditions of complexity, not only are checklists a help, they are required for success." - Atul Gawande 📝
Checklists are proven, powerful tools to prevent avoidable errors in high-stakes environments. Whether you work in a nuclear reactor, fly a commercial aircraft or assist the anaesthetist, checklists play a key role in the safety of workers and patients. 😁✅
The most familiar checklist to perioperative staff is the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist. The WHO Second Global Patient Safety Challenge targeted 4 areas of the surgical episode of care in which dramatic improvements could be made:
👉 surgical site infection prevention
👉 safe anaesthesia
👉 safe surgical teams
👉 measurement of surgical services
According to Atul Gawande, author of The Checklist Manifesto, errors occur for two reasons: lack of knowledge, or failure to apply the knowledge we possess. Checklists aim to target the second reason. The global introduction of the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist aimed to improve safety in both anaesthesia and surgery and to reduce complications and mortality by better teamwork, communication, and consistency of care.
How is your workplace at using checklists?
Build knowledge. ✅
Improve safety. ✅


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