Fresh Frozen Plasma
Nov 21, 2023
FFP is liquid gold! The red cells carry oxygen, but FFP helps stop the bleeding by normalising clotting. 🏆 🩸
👉🏽 How is it prepared?
FFP is either collected by spinning of plasma from whole blood or separating it from a patients blood before returning the red cells to the patient at the time of collection. It is then frozen into units. It contains all coagulation factors including 200UI of Factor VIII and some Factor V.
👉🏽 When is it used?
Bleeding, where clotting factors should be replaced along with red blood cells
Coagulopathy, when other measures are not suitable.
👉🏽 When should it be avoided?
When coagulopathy can be corrected more effectively with other therapy (such as vitamin K, factor concentrates or specific drug reversal) or blood volume can be replaced with other volume expanders (such as Hartmann’s Solution).
👉🏽 What’s in the bag?
~ 275ml of plasma containing essential clotting factors.
👉🏽 How is it stored?
Frozen at -25 degrees
Once thawed, it should be transfused immediately or can be stored at 2-5 degrees for up to 5 days.
👉🏽 What is the dose?
The dose depends on the clinical situation and should be guided by coagulation function tests.
👉🏽 How is it given?
It is thawed by the lab, thoroughly mixed and delivered through a blood administration set incorporating a standard (170–200 μm) filter as fast as tolerated but within 4 hours.
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