Massive Transfusion Protocol

blood products blood safety massive transfusion protocol patient safety perioperativenursing Nov 24, 2023
The Massive Transfusion Protocol (MTP) in the perioperative setting aims to connect the perioperative team with the hospital’s blood bank and transport teams so that everyone is making the right decisions about how to keep the patient alive, minimise harm and minimise wastage. 🩸📢🚨
Here it is in a nutshell:
The MTP is activated by calling the blood bank, stating the patient’s details, your location, your name and your intentions to activate the MTP.
FBE, coagulation studies, UEC and ABG.
The blood bank will then liaise with a haematologist and (usually) send you 4 units of PRBC, 2 units FFP +/- platelets or cryoprecipitate.
Further products and drugs will be guided by reported ongoing blood loss and results of repeat sampling of full blood count, coagulation, ionised calcium and ABGs.
Your team is aiming for:
👉 Temp >35
👉 pH >7.2
👉 Lactate < 4
👉 INR < 1.5
👉 Fibrinogen > 1g/L
👉 Adequate tissue perfusion and Hb > 70
Build knowledge. ✅
Improve safety. ✅

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