Maternal cardiac arrest is not something we like to think about 🫤
But… knowing just a few key things can save the life of mother and baby 🤱❤️
The main obstetric causes of arrest are 👇
1️⃣ Haemorrhage
2️⃣ Heart failure
3️⃣ Amniotic fluid embolus
4️⃣ Sepsis
The main anaesthetic causes are 👇
1️⃣ High spinal
2️⃣ Local anaesthetic toxicity
3️⃣ Aspiration
4️⃣ Failed intubation
5️⃣ Anaphylaxis
Although it is very rare (1/25000 pregnancies), your team needs a shared plan. Here are the key points 🔑
👉 Use the standard ABC approach, BUT
👉 Ensure left lateral tilt (this can be done by manually displacing the uterus)
👉 Urgent delivery of fetus at 4 mins via caesarean section.
Survival of mother and baby relies on all 3 points being followed. As with any cardiac arrest, the reversible causes should be considered using the 4 H’s and 4 T’s.
Now your team has a plan to manage maternal cardiac arrest! 👌
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