Roles during ALS

als communication compressions defibrillation safety Mar 25, 2024
Role allocation during ALS provides a shared mental model and positively impacts team performance. Here’s what you need to know: 👇👇
There are 6 main roles during ALS in the operating theatre:
1️⃣ Team leader
👉🏽 Allocate roles.
👉🏽 Make treatment decisions.
👉🏽Provide information and feedback.
👉🏽Maintain situational awareness.
👉🏽Plans post-resus care or resuscitation cessation.
2️⃣ Compressions
👉🏽Does effective compressions at 100-120 per minute.
👉🏽At a rate of 30/2 for unsecured airway, continuous for secured.
👉🏽Communicates fatigue/need to swap roles.
👉🏽Ensures own safety during defibrillation.
3️⃣ Airway
👉🏽Maintain airway.
👉🏽Intubate if appropriate.
👉🏽Provide breaths at a rate of 30/2 for an unsecured airway.
👉🏽Provide 10 breaths per minute with a secured airway.
4️⃣ Defibrillation
👉🏽Applies pads.
👉🏽Uses COACHED algorithm*
👉🏽Rhythm analysis and confirmation with the team leader.
👉🏽Ensures safety of the team before administering shock.
👉🏽Discharges shock before pulse check.
5️⃣ Medications
👉🏽Maintains IV/IO access.
👉🏽Draws up and gives medications per the ALS algorithm, under the direction of the team leader.
👉🏽Follows medication administration with a normal saline flush.
6️⃣ Scribe
👉🏽Time keeper.
👉🏽 Keeps track of rhythm checks and outcomes to guide medication timing.
👉🏽Records duration of interruption to compressions and communicates this with the team.
*or alternative, well-rehearsed mnemonic suited to your centre.
If you are allocated a role you know you aren’t suited to, communicate this with your team to give your patient the best chance of survival! 🚨✅
Keep an eye out for our other Concept Series Articles and Advanced Anaesthesia Live Series on Advanced Life Support.
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