Safe Apnoea Time

airway management airwaylifeline airwayoptimisation patient safety safe apnoea time Feb 15, 2024
Improving your margin of safety! 🦺🫵
When a patient is given general anaesthetic drugs, they often become apnoeic and we must provide oxygen for them via one of the 3 lifelines. The time between stopping the patient breathing and arriving at the Green Zone is the “apnoea time”, and the more difficulty you have achieving oxygenation, the longer this apnoea time is! ✅
Safe apnoea time is the time it takes for the oxygen saturations to drop below 90% after the patient becomes apnoeic. 🫁
Safe apnoea time is influenced by
👉 Low O2 reservoir
🔺High BMI
🔺Inability to effectively preoxygenate
🔺Severe cardiorespiratory disease
👉High O2 demand
🔺High BMI
🔺High metabolic rate
🔺Critically ill
So, how do we increase safe apnoea time and make our patients safer?
Preoxygenation!! 🫁✅
Check out our Concept Series articles on Preoxygenation and Bag Mask Ventilation!
Build knowledge ✅
Improve safety ✅

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