Signs of Anaphylaxis

anaphylaxis bronchospasm hypotension patient safety signs of anaphylaxis tachycardia May 13, 2024
Anaphylaxis is a rapid onset, life-threatening, multi-system condition resulting from histamine release in response to an external trigger. Prompt treatment is essential, which means early recognition is key. 🔑✅
Signs of anaphylaxis are a result of the massive histamine release which cause capillary vasodilation and a rapid reduction in venous return. 🫀
There are 4 main signs of anaphylaxis:
1️⃣ Tachycardia (a result of a rapid reduction in afterload)
2️⃣ Hypotension (from vasodilation)
3️⃣ Bronchospasm (direct effect of histamine on the bronchioles)
4️⃣ Rash (due to capillary leakage)
It’s important to remember that anaphylaxis can present in strange ways, and you may not always see all 4 symptoms!
Here are our golden rules of suspecting anaphylaxis: 💛💛
Remember, it could be anaphylaxis...
1️⃣ When you see any 2 of rash, hypotension and bronchospasm
2️⃣ When hypotension doesn't respond to usual treatment
3️⃣ Even without tachycardia, bronchospasm or rash
The purpose of the golden rules is to prevent your team from becoming fixated on specific signs. If you follow these rules, then you will err on the side of caution and prompt your team to consider anaphylaxis when the presentation is atypical.
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