The Hot Debrief
Nov 10, 2023
“I heard that debriefing can be harmful?”
This is a common assumption that stems from a Cochrane review from 20 years ago. We now understand that this assumption is wrong, and that there are significant benefits to individuals and organisations from the opportunity to have a brief team discussion following a critical event.
What is a hot debrief?
A hot debrief is a 5-15 minute team exercise that occurs immediately after an event. It can happen after positive or negative outcomes, but the aim is to generate insights into individual, team and systematic processes. The focus is on the PROCESS and not the OUTCOME.
Who attends?
Only those directly involved, but a hot debrief is voluntary.
Who runs it?
Any staff member can run it! Ideally someone who has emotional intelligence, situational awareness and compassion. Maintaining the psychological safety of the team and managing conflict is key.
When & Where?
ASAP after the event, and definitely in the same shift. A private and confidential area is essential. Sometimes the operating theatre is actually a good location!
Because there is good evidence to support that it builds insight, learning, skills and improves team performance.
Join us for the Live Series session next Wednesday to get a clear and simple framework from Dr Liz Crowe!
Credit: Liz Crowe & ANZCA
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